Monday, February 25, 2008

Thank you for your LOVE

I know and i accept that LOVE doesn't give us license to own a person, that LOVE doesn't guarantee permanence...

I have been longing for that long lasting relationship. BUt it seems that luck isn't on my side (as always). I know i give love a 100%, but whatever i do it still doesn't give assurance of a lasting relationship. What went wrong, i ask myself? Is there something wrong with the way i give my LOVE?

I know i can't force you to love me when deep in your heart you don't. I can't beg you to stay when deep inside your heart you want to be with someone else.

It hurts but i really have to let you go. ANd by letting you go doesn't mean i don't love you, but its because i have to, it's because it is the right thing for me to do.

You see, in LOVE there is always sacrifice. There is always learning. And it is about accepting everything.

The end of LOVE is not the end of LIFE. It should be the beginning of understanding that love leaves for a reason. LOVE leaves with a lesson and it is only when we learn from it that we are able to gain the wisdom and the courage to move on and find LOVE again.

And that's why i thank you even though "us" failed. Coz of you, i learned to be strong and ready to face life's test once again.

I thank you for giving your love even for awhile. Keep in mind, that i'll always treasure every single moment that we've been together.

Thank YOU !!



At March 8, 2008 at 12:12 AM , Blogger missmie said...

hmmm...this one really touches me...


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