Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Getting a third party for a test...

In every relationship there is always a test to prove how strong your love for each other... And one of the most conclusive ways in putting a relationship to the test is to introduce a third party... This party would always come into the picture and try to disturb the balance of a seemingly healthy relationship... This has a two edged sword that may either destroy or make a stronger relationship...
The beauty of every relationship lies not only in the beauty of it's beginning but in it's consistency... We all change and sometimes we change to destroy the very relationships that we are trying to hold dearly in our hearts...
In making a decision, you don't have to rush... You are not buying a grocery item that you can just return when you're dissatisfied... You are getting into a new relationship when you have just barely gotten out of the old one... Unless you are absolutely sure that you are over, then do not commit yourself to anyone for you to know it will be unfair to both you and that person... Give yourself a little more time to think and give that third party to prove their worth... Make a choice not on impulse but a decision based on a healthy balance of mind and heart...
Let us always remember, that happiness is not a matter of destiny but a matter of choice...



At February 23, 2008 at 10:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scientifically, a person’s heart beats two times in a single beat-lub dub. Figuratively, it beats for itself and for another person. Maybe that’s why doctors claim a third beat as abnormal. See? No space for 3rd parties.


At March 8, 2008 at 12:20 AM , Blogger missmie said...

i beg to disagree with getting a third party for a test.... it maybe advantageous in ur part but surely it will hurt someone else's heart....hurting someone will never ever do us good....ayt boypaslot? ^_^


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